Caroline Walton is a British author of non-fiction books on Russia and the
former Soviet Union. They have been published in the UK, Russia and the US.
Her books focus on transcendence of extreme circumstances, in particular the
1941-44 siege of Leningrad.
Caroline is also an award-winning literary translator of books from Russian to
She is a member of the UK Society of Authors and Translators’ Association.
Caroline is an award-winning author whose books have been published in the UK, Russia and the US
Some of her books are featured below:
Her book about the siege of Leningrad has been published by Asterion Publishing House in St Petersburg to mark the 80th
anniversary of the start of the siege.
“В мире, где жадность, эгоизм и цинизм часто почитаются и
вознаграждаются, блокада Ленинграда навсегда останется свидетельством
того, на что способны люди перед лицом самых тяжёлых испытаний…
Как русские, с их врождёнными качествами душевности и
соборности, как ленинградцы, с их врождённой любовью к культуре и
гуманным ценностям, блокадники торжествовали над тьмой бездны.
Воскресший народ.”
“In this world in which greed, selfishness and cynicism are so often
venerated and rewarded, the siege of Leningrad will stand out forever as
testimony to what human beings are capable of in the face of the most extreme
As Russians, with their innate qualities of dushevnost’ and sobornost’, as
Leningraders, with their innate love of culture and humane values, the
blokadniki triumphed over the darkness of the abyss. A resurrected people.”
“Where there was the holodomor, there was my grandfather-in-law Petro who
forgave everything. Where there was the gulag, there were people such as de
Beausobre who made it her personal Calvary. And where there was the most
terrible siege in human history, there were people who sang Ode to Joy to their
Nazi besiegers.”
During three decades of visiting Russia and Ukraine, Caroline Walton met some
exceptional women and men, people who had known famine, war and nuclear
disaster. Each of them underwent a process of transformation, and in doing so
they transcended their circumstances in ways that were little short of
miraculous. From a village wisewoman to survivors of the siege of Leningrad
and the Chernobyl disaster, to the family she married into, they helped Caroline
transform her own western-centric world view.”
Order from
“A wonderful combination of meticulous research and wide personal
experience. Caroline Walton has met so many extraordinary people in Russia
and Ukraine who have developed their cultures’ spirituality to survive the
impossible.” Dr Mary Hobson, Pushkin Medal winner.
The Besieged - A Story of Survival
Biteback Books UK 2011
"This book isn’t just about the siege of Leningrad but an insightful and lyrical evocation of what it is to be human."
Dr Eva Chapman - author of Sasha and Olga
The Voice of Leningrad
Garett County Press, USA 2003
A novel set in the siege of Leningrad
Smashed in the USSR - fear, loathing and vodka on the steppes
Old Street Publishing 2013
An "extraordinary memoir"
The Big Issue
Ivan Petrov - Russia through a Shot Glass
Garrett County Press USA
Little Tenement on the Volga
Garrett County Press USA
Life in post-independence Russia
Memoirs of a Bukharan Jewish family who fled the USSR in the 1930s
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